Jackie is a police officer trying to uncover an unknown underground criminal leader. The name of the crime gang leader is known as Tong Nyoshi. While trying to find out, his best friend was killed and he took care of Samantha, the friend's daughter. But Samantha is in danger while spying on a casino owned by a suspect like Teng Nyo. American poker con artist Connor West also witnessed a murder at the casino and escaped with an important telephone.
Benny (Jackie Chan) is trying to bring the con artist Connor West from Macau to Hong Kong despite difficulties, and it is beautifully shown with a mix of humor and fun and the beauty of traditional Chinese festivals.
Jackie is a police officer trying to uncover an unknown underground criminal leader. The name of the crime gang leader is known as Tong Nyoshi. While trying to find out, his best friend was killed and he took care of Samantha, the friend's daughter. But Samantha is in danger while spying on a casino owned by a suspect like Teng Nyo. American poker con artist Connor West also witnessed a murder at the casino and escaped with an important telephone.
Benny (Jackie Chan) is trying to bring the con artist Connor West from Macau to Hong Kong despite difficulties, and it is beautifully shown with a mix of humor and fun and the beauty of traditional Chinese festivals.
Jackie is a police officer trying to uncover an unknown underground criminal leader. The name of the crime gang leader is known as Tong Nyoshi. While trying to find out, his best friend was killed and he took care of Samantha, the friend's daughter. But Samantha is in danger while spying on a casino owned by a suspect like Teng Nyo. American poker con artist Connor West also witnessed a murder at the casino and escaped with an important telephone.
Benny (Jackie Chan) is trying to bring the con artist Connor West from Macau to Hong Kong despite difficulties, and it is beautifully shown with a mix of humor and fun and the beauty of traditional Chinese festivals.